Figuring out where to take a date can be a rather nerve wracking experience for the vast majority of people once all has been said and is now out of the way. The reason behind this is that you would ideally want to find yourself in a situation wherein the person that you asked out would think highly of you and potentially even tell all of her friends about what an amazing guy you are which would be an ego boost as well as maximizing any and all romantic prospects you might want to take advantage of in the future.
If you have no idea what to do with your date, you might want to try checking out Tom Segura the comedian due to the reason that he has a show that will make the two of you laugh harder than you have in a long time. Laughter makes intimacy easier to attain than might have been the case otherwise, so taking your date to a comedy show or a standup event might be the single most effective way for you to boost your reputation inside of her head.
It’s also a very casual place for a first meet up. You don’t want your first date to turn into something that you would regret to any extent at all, and putting too much pressure on your date by going somewhere unnecessarily fancy would definitely be the worst possible move that you could ever make. You can relax with your date at this show and allow yourselves to get to know one another in an ambiance that does not place any excess stress on either of you.